Tag Archives: Matthew 6:33

Who’s Asking: Mark 11:22-25

Here is a link to the sermon Who’s Asking. It explores the question: “What kind of people get answers to prayer?” Hope you enjoy and find it helpful. The sermon begins at the 36:35 mark. https://www.christianworldmedia.com/watch?v=XYO44rkrb5-k

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Becoming a Person Who Can Pray the Lord’s Prayer

When I was a boy, I wanted to be just like Mickey Mantle. In 1961, he had 514 at bats and he hit 54 homeruns. That means he hit a homerun one out of every 9 or so at bats. … Continue reading

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How to Seek the Kingdom

…if we don’t give priority to seeking his kingdom, we’ll never find it. “Seek second the kingdom and his righteousness” and you’ll be wasting your time. But that’s the way God intended it. The half-hearted, the religious dabbler, the spiritual dilettante never see the kingdom. “The kingdom of heaven,” Jesus once said, “is like a treasure hidden in a field.” Any number of people can pass right by it and never know it’s there. It is the one who hungers and thirsts for righteousness that is filled, not the one who nibbles at it. It is “he who seeks [who] finds,” not he who daydreams. Continue reading

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You Can’t Measure Success While the Game Is Still Being Played

We play a game at our house called Ticket To Ride. The game is played on a board where railroad routes are outlined to cities all over the country. Each player draws three route cards worth varying numbers of points, … Continue reading

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